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  • Otitis interna is a serious condition that can cause significant signs in your dog, including reluctance to eat, head tilt, alteration in balance, and reduced hearing on the affected side. Treatment could involve long-term medication if the specific cause can be identified, such as bacterial or fungal infection. Less commonly, surgery may be needed. Many dogs will respond to treatment and recover well.

  • Bee stings and bites from spiders, fleas, and ticks are the most common causes of insect bite reactions in pets. Insect bites can cause mild to severe allergic reactions in many dogs. Fortunately, most reactions are minor and have an excellent prognosis for recovery. Treatment typically involves antihistamines and anti-inflammatory drugs.

  • Cesarean Sections in Cats – Post-Operative Instructions

    Una cesárea es una cirugía que se realiza para sacar los gatitos del útero. Normalmente se realiza como un procedimiento de urgencia cuando el parto natural está teniendo problemas.

  • Caesarean Sections in Dogs - Post-Operative Instructions

    Su perro ha sido sometido a una intervención de cirugía mayor. Que tenga una buena recuperación dependerá de que siga recibiendo ciertas atenciones en casa. Su papel en el período de la recuperación es tan importante como la cirugía que acabamos de realizar.

  • Post-Operative Instructions in Cats

    Usted debería preparar para su gato una cama blanda y limpia, para mantenerlo caliente y limpio, y situarla idealmente en un ambiente tranquilo y limpio a una temperatura aproximada de 20–22 ºC (68–72º F).

  • This handout discusses the anatomy of the cat’s ear canal, how to safely clean your cat’s ears to prevent ear infections, and how to apply topical ear medications if needed.

  • This handout discusses the anatomy of the dog’s ear canal, how to safely clean your dog’s ears to prevent ear infections, and how to apply topical ear medications if needed.

  • Chronic Kidney Disease in Dogs

    El término insuficiencia renal crónica parece sugerir que los riñones han dejado de funcionar y no producen orina pero, por definición, insuficiencia renal indica que los riñones son incapaces de eliminar productos de deshecho de la sangre. La definición del término puede crear confusión en ocasiones porque hay quien identifica insuficiencia renal con la incapacidad para producir orina, cuando en realidad no es así.

  • Insulin is injected under the skin to treat diabetes, ketoacidosis, and high potassium levels. Side effects may include low or high blood sugar levels, insulin resistance, and skin allergic reactions to the injections. Do not use in pets who are having an episode of low blood sugar and do not use pork insulins in pets with a pork allergy.

  • Insulin glargine is an injectable medication used in cats, dogs, ferrets, guinea pigs, and horses with diabetes mellitus. It is used to lower blood sugar levels and for long-term maintenance therapy of diabetes mellitus. Monitor closely for signs of low blood sugar (weakness, lack of energy, lethargy, stumbling or difficulty walking, behavior changes, muscle twitching, seizures, and/or unresponsive).